Donald Macleod

Posts by Donald Macleod for Home:

The Bible and the End-time (2): 'Come, Lord Jesus'

In the last posting we noted that we are already living in the ‘last days’, the age of fulfilment. Read more about 'The Bible and the End-time (2): 'Come, Lord Jesus''...

The Bible and the End-time (1): The kingdom has come!

Christian hope, by definition, is focused on the future or, as many would put it, on ‘the last days. Read more about 'The Bible and the End-time (1): The kingdom has come!'...

'Send back the money'

In the summer of 1845 a former American slave, Frederick Douglass, set sail for Britain, arriving in Liverpool on 16th August. Read more about ''Send back the money''...

Blessed assurance

One of the most striking features of the lives of the believers we meet in the Scriptures is that they were so confident about their relationship with God. Read more about 'Blessed assurance'...

Life-expectancy in Glasgow’s East End

Not all the daily statistics on Covid-19 fall into the depressing category, but some of them certainly do, and foremost among them is the daily reminder that the poorer areas… Read more about 'Life-expectancy in Glasgow’s East End'...

Christian Hope (1)

Hope lies at the foundation of all human life. Read more about 'Christian Hope (1)'...

The virus: can we cope with what we can't eradicate?

The most sombre fact to emerge from yesterday’s Coronavirus briefing was that the virus is never going to go away. Read more about 'The virus: can we cope with what we can't eradicate?'...

Easter: Holy Day or holiday?

If, with half the world, you worship The Great Outdoors, then a normal Easter would mean that after his (or her) long winter sleep your god has come alive again. Read more about 'Easter: Holy Day or holiday?'...

Online Communion Services?

A couple of days ago, a distinguished colleague ran past me a question which someone had put to him. Read more about 'Online Communion Services?'...

The paraclete, God the Father

  One of the most precious words in the New Testament is the word paraclētos, usually translated as either ‘comforter’ or ‘advocate’ in English versions. Read more about 'The paraclete, God the Father'...

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